Your digital marketing plan needs a touch-up. The inherently dynamic nature of the Internet means this is relevant whether you’ve improved it in the last six months or the last five years.
This can involve going through your website and figuring out if you need more offsite SEO to bring in customers or determining the best-scheduled approach to your business blog. A social media marketing plan can even make or break your first impression. Yes, there’s a lot that goes into these digital campaigns, but every little effort goes a long way in making sure you always have a first impression to fall back on. No matter where you fall on the scale, a refresher course is just what the doctor ordered.
Take advantage of marketing services now so you don’t have to work quite as hard later.
SEO Is An Inbound Lead With A High Success Rate
You’ve been hearing about search engine optimization left and right. Now to hammer down why, exactly, it’s a staple of digital marketing. SEO leads have a 14% close rate, making them much more reliable than classic outbound leads like direct mail and print advertising. The Google search engine alone receives over 100 billion searches every month, meaning you need to be a little more clever if you want to stand out in the pack. Choosing an SEO firm is as easy as figuring out if you want to promote locally or reach out internationally.
Social Media Is Convoluted, But Far From Obsolete
It seems like everyone has a social media account these days. Actually generating business with yours can feel like an uphill battle at the best of times. That’s where a solid social media marketing plan comes into play. This means adhering to a regular schedule, cross-posting with your blog and taking advantage of hashtags to narrow down prospective customers. According to a study published by the Social Media Marketing Industry Report, nearly two-thirds of marketers today cite Facebook as their biggest gamechanger.
A Regular Blog Presence Will Keep Customers Coming Back
Customers want to know how far their dollar is going. They also want to know they’re getting the absolute most, even when they’re not actively purchasing. This means investing in businesses that are constantly giving them content. A recent study revealed nearly 55% of marketers cite blog content creation as their number one inbound lead by a landslide. Companies that publish 15 or more blog posts per month will receive over three times as much web traffic as companies that only publish a handful.
Good E-Mail Marketing Is Far From Dead
Your social media marketing plan should also incorporate a solid e-mail marketing venture. Contrary to popular belief, e-mail marketing is not a dead tactic. Customers generally prefer more specific sources of information, particularly if they come with the added convenience of showing up in their inbox daily or weekly. This saves them time and keeps businesses cultivating repeat customers. This can include long-form content, microcontent, special deals, newsletters, and forums, among other things. An interesting 2015 study by Moz and BuzzSumo found long-form content consistently receives more shares and likes than shorter content.
Your Digital Marketing Strategy Should Be Updated Regularly
No digital marketing strategy is good enough. You need to be constantly updating with new tactics and double-checking your retention rates to keep pace with a lightning-fast Internet. While this can all sound incredibly daunting, the function of your social media marketing plan and search engine marketing is to keep you from casting too wide of a net. Around 70% of the links search users click on today are organic and customers much prefer to have a more relaxed relationship with businesses, according to a report by SalesForce Marketing Cloud.
Make things easy for you and your customers. Let a marketing company help you build a strategy that’s flexible enough to keep pace.