Pay per click advertising certainly still has its place. The goal is to gain organic traffic to your website, but what do you do in the early days of your digital marketing? You use pay per click.
An experienced digital marketing agency can design your PPC advertising to help you get the results that you are hoping for. Understanding more about how PPC works and the potential benefits will help you to make an informed decision about whether to incorporate this advertising model into your campaign.
What is PPC Advertising?
You can think of pay per click advertising as a way to “buy” traffic to your site, or you can think of it as a partnership. Organic traffic is the goal. Organic traffic is what happens when users find your business through a search engine or through social media and click on the link that leads to your website.
Pay per click does not happen “organically”. It is a specific strategy to get people to your website and you pay for it. You will pay a small sum to whoever owns the website where your PPC ad is located every time someone clicks on the ad and winds up at your website.
Is It Worth the Investment?
One of the first questions people ask when they are discussing potential PPC schemes is whether it is worth the investment, and the short answer is yes. When you are launching or relaunching your website it is crucial that you get the traffic flowing as soon as possible. Pay per click is the way to get the traffic flowing.
Different Schemes for Different Goals
There are different strategies that can make your ad more appealing and encourage consumers to click on the ad. It is not an easy process but with the right support, you can leave the strategy up to the experts.
SEO (search engine optimization) is a key factor in any successful PPC plan. It is estimated that about 93% of online experiences start with a search engine. Search engines recognize keywords and phrases which should be incorporated into your advertising, websites, social media, and more.
One of the easiest ways to get the results that you want from any digital marketing campaign is to turn to the digital marketing company that delivers SEO services Fort Worth small business owners have come to rely on for all their marketing needs.