Posts By: Chris Wielinski

The Many Benefits of SEO Services

Everyone knows just how important a website is for their business, but not everyone has caught on to how important search engine optimization, or SEO, is for their success. Blogs that utilize search engine optimization usually see increased organic traffic compared to those who don’t utilize optimized content. It has been discovered that businesses with a blog that receive 16 blog posts per month see 3.5 times more visitors to their site compared with businesses that post four or fewer blog updates per month.

Knowing how important blogs and SEO content are, it’s a wonder why many companies neglect to optimize their content as they should. One reason could be time. Producing blogs is time-consuming, especially when there are core operations to worry about. Another reason is a lack of knowledge, as SEO can be a confusing concept to execute. This is where companies can benefit from choosing an SEO firm to handle their blogs and content. The benefits are numerous, as we see below.


Businessowners spend countless hours tending to the needs of their business. Although SEO content is important, other priority tasks might put optimization on the back burner. Choosing an SEO firm can allow your business to thrive both online and offline. Professionals provide fresh content that will help to drive organic traffic to your site and convert leads into customers. This allows you to spend time focusing on other aspects of your business while still receiving relevant content optimized for search.

Cost Savings

When you consider other ways to market your business, your wallet takes a hit. Internet marketing is significantly cheaper and is more effective than traditional forms of advertising. Television and radio marketing cost a pretty penny, while print ads don’t come cheap. Moreover, digital advertising and organic search engine marketing often provides better results in a tech-driven world. In other words, you’ll get more for your money. The maximum number of people will be reached and minimum resources will be wasted in this process.


When choosing an SEO firm to handle your content for your business, you are hiring a knowledgeable professional. Your SEO provider has devoted ample time to their training, meaning that they’re far more knowledgeable about the newest trends (and outdated techniques). They are there to provide what you need, so you can be sure that you getting the best service to provide the best results for your business. This not only helps drive more traffic to your website, but it gives you the upper hand when it comes to competing with other similar websites or businesses. New and relevant information can help your search results skyrocket.


The purpose of hiring an individual or a company is so that they can produce results. When choosing an SEO firm to handle your web presence, you shouldn’t be guaranteed any specific results. For example, a quality SEO firm will not make claims about getting your site to show up on page one of Google search results within a particular amount of time. However, they will have to know-how to prove to you over time that these techniques can work wonders. Many firms are equipped with the necessary tools needed to provide exactly what you are looking for within your budgeted allotment. They can develop a plan an implement it faster than you can research all the information surrounding seo content.

It goes without saying that SEO is an important part of any marketing strategy. But knowing how to utilize SEO techniques properly is essential. Shop around and research companies to find the one that can provide the best results. With properly optimized content, you can achieve the results you want with your website.

New 2020 SEO Tactics Dominate Social Media

2020 holds much potential for business owners who want to improve their social media marketing. Such a fast-paced, ever-evolving, and swiftly growing platform as social media requires that your business stays on top of trends and changes. This can be a daunting task, especially if you do not have marketing experts as part of your team. It takes more than just making posts on social media platforms to fully dominate social media marketing. You need the services offered by a digital marketing company that can custom tailor a social media marketing plan just for you.

Keep Customers Engaged

Currently, there are over 3.3 billion active users online across the globe. What better way to generate interactions with those users than social media? A comprehensive strategy, creativity, the correct tools and partnership with a social media marketing company all ensure that you are able to take advantage of the social media phenomenon. What business doesn’t want to improve their brand image and become even more successful?

The whole point to using social media is to keep your customers engaged. There are many social media marketing benefits that can help your business stay ahead of competitors. This includes using recommended social media marketing trends on top platforms to connect with target audiences, introduce new features, communicate, and share content with other users, family, and friends.

Do You Know Which Social Platform Is the Best?

Keeping your business operational on a daily basis takes time. Do you have enough time in your busy schedule to keep up with social media? Do your employees have enough time or expertise? It takes more than just adding posts on social media. Furthermore, do you know which platforms would truly benefit your business? Social media marketing specialists do.

Per the Social Media Marketing Industry Report, two-thirds of marketers stated that Facebook is the most significant social platform. Marketing experts know how to use social media SEO to propel your business so you stay active on top platforms used by your customers as well as a plethora of potential customers. Your marketing will reach new heights when geared to include online platforms in 2020.

It Pays to Listen

Social selling and lead generation are both integral aspects when it comes to gaining more customers using online platforms. Social listening can help further both aspects when it comes to SMM. Social listening tools can be implemented for you that help find potential prospects across many sites for social media. Consider this to be a tool that locates people asking about your industry so you can effectively nurture leads into paying prospects and convert them to loyal customers.

Complete Social Media Strategies with Live Video

Live video content still dominates. It fits perfectly on any online platform, but not without a video marketing strategy. More platforms and devices are supporting video formats, especially live video. In 2019 alone over 3.5 billion live broadcasts were seen on Facebook since 2016. What live video does for your business is to provide an element of trustworthiness to the public. More relevance is expressed for your brand which only puts you in a better light when it comes to increasing your customer base.

Provide a Meaningful Experience

There is a real need for meaningful content experiences. As a marketer, this means it is time to refocus and create content that is more engaging with an evocative experience for your target audience. Video format is king when it comes to social media platforms and connecting with interests and emotions of viewers is the royal decree.

Social Media Success Does Not Happen Over Night

It takes a lot of hard work and expertise when it comes to launching a successful social media campaign for your business. Marketing specialists will work incredibly hard and have the experience needed to ensure the proper utilization of online platforms. Let the experts handle your marketing online so you get started strong and stay in the lead.

SEO Mistakes to Stop Making in 2020

With a new year right around the corner, many businesses are feeling empowered to fine-tune their focus on marketing. By having the courage to make some much-needed changes, you may find yourself in an excellent position to succeed in 2020. Conversely, if you’re relying on outdated or ineffective SEO techniques, you could really be holding yourself back.

Of course, you’ll need to address search engine optimization, or SEO, when coming up with a viable strategy. But you’ll want to avoid the following mistakes when executing that strategy in the coming year. Otherwise, you might end up taking a big step backward with your business.

Focusing Only on Onsite SEO

Search engine optimization can be performed both on your own website and in other spaces online. Onsite and offsite SEO essentially work in-tandem to strengthen your authority on the web. In other words, you really do need both. While you certainly do need to optimize your own site, that can’t be the end of your efforts. You’ll also need to look at link building and other offsite techniques to ensure that you have a strong backlink profile and that your domain authority continues to rise. If you don’t, you’ll be missing some major pieces of the ranking puzzle.

Using Outdated SEO Techniques

This should go without saying, but you should no longer be using SEO techniques that are antiquated, ineffective, or essentially outlawed by Google. Some SEO services promise to give their clients desirable results through any means necessary — but if you don’t know that those tactics aren’t on the up-and-up, you might realize too late that you’ve done real damage to your brand online. Make sure that you — and any company you’ve hired to provide digital marketing help — are using the best practices for SEO. Simply put, methods like keyword stuffing, the use of link directories, purchased links, and more should be retired for good.

DIYing Your Online Marketing Strategy

Search engine optimization is ever-evolving — and notoriously complex. While you think it might make fiscal sense to take this task on yourself, this decision may end up costing you more in the long run. If you make a poor SEO choice, you’ll likely need to hire an expert to fix it. And in the meantime, you could lose out on leads and potential customers. At best, you’ll experience a sharp decrease in website traffic; at worst, Google might decide to eliminate your site from search results altogether. And since Google receives over 100 billion searches each month, that could have huge consequences. Essentially, SEO isn’t something you’ll want to figure out through trial and error. It’s much more efficient and cost-effective to hire a firm that’s totally devoted to your SEO success. With your time freed up and your SEO results improved, 2020 could become a huge year for your business.

By avoiding these big mistakes in the coming year, you’ll set yourself up for success. For more information on how we can help take your organization to the next level in 2020, please contact us today.

Online Marketing: How It Can Help Your Business

You have a business and you want to get the most out of it. Of course, you want your business to come to fruition and you want to really reach your online audience the most. Your online marketing efforts should be rewarded with a greater client base, more dedicated customers, and better search results.

Did you know that a majority of searches online start with a search engine? Reaching your end market with a social media marketing plan, among other tactics, will help you succeed.

So why do you need online marketing? Use this guide to assist you every step of the way.

You Learn SEO Tips From Professionals

You can learn SEO marketing tips from professionals in your area who will be able to teach you how to reach your end market well. From social media posting to increasing web traffic, you’ll want to use every resource at your disposal. Since most of your audience likely has a social media account of some kind, use their recommendations to help you learn more about what your audience wants.

You Can Find Out About Web Ads

In this digitally driven world, you can’t rely on print ads to ensure your business succeeds. Instead, you may need to place ads online to drive traffic to your website. That may involve the use of Pay Per Click (or PPC) ads. PPC ads can be highly effective, particularly if you need to increase your leads in a hurry. However, a digital marketing firm will be your best source for information on these. They can advise you about what to include in your online ads for maximum effectiveness and even run ad campaigns for you.

You’ll Obtain a Better Website

Your website, if it is easy to follow and is updated all the time, will allow your online marketing efforts to go far. If you pay close attention to what your online marketing is doing for you and your website, you’ll know how to grow. Otherwise, a stagnant website will do little to help you grow and you will spend your time and money on an online platform that isn’t doing much for you.

What are your goals with online marketing? Once you have this figured out, you can enhance your marketing career in many ways. You will be able to hire an SEO specialist to assist you in the things you set out to do.

Small Business Websites: Why They’re Necessary and What to Include

advertising agency

Most modern consumers search for products and services online before (or instead of) visiting a business in person. That’s why it’s so important for your small business to have a website. Your website is your introduction to customers — and you want to make a good first impression. However, before you hire an advertising agency to create one for you, here’s a list of things that you should make sure is included in your website design.

Attractive Design and Easy Navigation

Website design should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. People will find another business with better web design if yours is difficult to use or unappealing. Your site should have navigation menus that are simple to use and get customers to where they want to be in a few clicks. The colors and images should align with your brand and not overwhelm the eye. A good advertising agency will be able to come up with branding ideas that suit your business and that can be used throughout your site.

An About Page

Every website should have an “about” page that lets customers know who you are and what products or services you offer. Include the history of your company and bios of employees to give people a sense of why they might want to choose your company over one of your competitors. Let people know what sets your company apart from others. You can also include contact information, hours, and locations, though you can also choose to put these on a separate page.

An FAQ Page

By providing a frequently-asked questions asked page, you can save time by not having to answer the same questions over and over. This is a chance to ease any concerns a customer may have and gives them a reason to do business with you. It can also show that you’re an authority in your industry — and improve your website’s search engine optimization efforts.

A Review Page

A page of reviews can show off the positive feedback you have received from customers. You can also include testimonials from previous clients or from members of the community. Both of these efforts can establish trust and show you’re the best in the biz. Furthermore, it provides you with more control over how reviews are displayed and the way to which they’re responded.

A Blog

A blog might be your most important digital marketing tool. Companies that publish 16 or more blog posts each month receive nearly 3.5 times more traffic than companies that publish four or fewer posts. In your blog posts, which should have topics that relate to your business, you should share your expertise and tell your story. If you don’t want to write the blog yourself, talk to your advertising agency. They may offer SEO (search engine optimization) services, which include creating content for blogs that are more likely to appear in search engines. This can help potential customers find your website.

A Latest News Page

If someone writes an article about your business, post it on the latest news page. You should also post press releases and advertisements or videos. If a product you carry is getting a lot of social media buzz, make sure you provide the link on this page. This can allow you to keep your web content fresh (which may help with rankings) and ensure customers can stay up-to-date on all the good you’re doing.

By providing a website for customers, you can give them access to your services and products 24/7. Just be sure to hire a good web design and advertising agency that can create a professional and user friendly site with all of the necessary pages. This can increase your sales and help grow your business.

Choosing the Right SEO Company: Why It’s Necessary in 2019

The right SEO company can be a game-changer for your business. In today’s market, no matter the size of your business, you should have online marketing working for you. The right SEO company will build an online marketing strategy that is focused on improving your visibility and obtaining improved results.

The best SEO services Fort Worth has to offer can help to build your online presence, improve your rankings with search engines, and generate leads for your business. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that SEO management is something you can do in the-house, however. This component of marketing is too important for you to DIY

Professional SEO Services Get Professional Results

As a small business owner, you likely have a lot to worry about already. Making some room to take care of onsite SEO for your website, manage social media, and worrying about developing organic traffic is likely not an option. Turning over your SEO needs to a professional SEO company is the solution.

The goal of any online marketing campaign is to reach your audience, engage with them, and convert them into customers. It’s a challenging process that requires focused attention, a strong skill set, and a constantly-evolving knowledge base.

In other words, SEO marketing is a full-time job. This is not something you want to take on alone. A good SEO company can manage all of your online marketing needs and let you stay focused on your core business responsibilities.

Keep in mind that an SEO company may also offer web design services as part of their package options. Since great web design may go hand-in-hand with search engine optimization, it’s a good idea to have both of these services handled by professionals with a wealth of experience. That way, you can be sure that your SEO strategy will be supported by the design of your website — and that when visitors find their way to your online hub, they’ll have no problem finding the right information and contacting you. After all, your SEO efforts won’t matter if consumers can’t figure out how to purchase your products or services.

Of course, you probably won’t get the web design or SEO results you’re after if you try to tackle those projects yourself. You may be an experienced business owner, but there’s virtually no way you can take your site and SEO efforts to a professional level if you’re not experienced in those areas. And because customers expect to have positive experiences online, these aren’t tasks you can simply phone in. By choosing the best SEO services Fort Worth has to offer, you’ll obtain a customized approach to online marketing that you will help grow your business. Best of all, you’ll be able to succeed in these areas without jeopardizing your other operations. For more information on our SEO and web design services, please contact us today.

Offsite Vs. Onsite SEO: Understanding the Differences (and Why You Need Both)

In our tech-driven, internet-dependent world, businesses have had to make radical adjustments to how they market their products and services. Instead of relying solely on print ads and TV spots, the majority of companies now devote a substantial portion of their promotional budgets to digital marketing — and specifically, search engine optimization. Also known as SEO, this type of marketing is comprised of numerous techniques that are used to increase web visibility and traffic. When SEO tactics are utilized effectively, they can help a given website improve its search ranking (meaning that its pages will show up more quickly and be featured more prominently when a web user conducts a relevant Google search).

Obviously, most business owners want their websites to appear early on in search results — and to be clicked by visitors. There are a number of adjustments that can be made to a particular website in order to increase these chances. But there are also other SEO strategies that can increase a site’s visibility and help its ranking that actually happen in places other than the website in question. Basically, we’re talking about onsite and offsite SEO. In today’s post, we’ll take a closer look at the differences between these two types of search engine optimization and illustrate the importance of including both types in the SEO strategy you develop with your online marketing company.

What is Onsite SEO?

Onsite SEO, as its name suggests, involves techniques that are executed on the website you’re trying to market. Sometimes referred to as “on-page SEO,” these tactics will make your website more easily understood by search engines. By making changes to page titles and descriptions, writing compelling web copy and blog content with relevant keywords, utilizing internal links, improving site speed and mobile friendliness, focusing on site security, and fixing navigation errors, you can help Google crawl your site more effectively and improve the user experience for visitors. By making your site as comprehensive, appealing, and relevant as possible, you may be rewarded by Google with an improved ranking in search results.

What is Offsite SEO?

As you may have guessed, offsite SEO refers to certain steps that can be taken away from a specific website that will then help that website. It might sound a bit complicated, but offsite SEO is basically an alternative to traditional advertising. In many cases, this type of SEO involves placements on other sites or other platforms that will then benefit your own site. For example, the use of link building or backlinks, guest blogs, and social media marketing can help to boost a site’s visibility and authority. When executed correctly, this type of strategy can add to a website’s ranking factors and allow the site to show up even more prominently when a search is conducted.

Is One Better Than the Other?

You might be surprised to learn that 75% of SEO actually takes place offsite, while only 25% occurs on the site itself. That illustrates the importance of having a diverse SEO strategy to ensure all of your bases are covered. That said, one type of SEO is not inherently better than the other. You need both offsite and onsite SEO to improve your search ranking in the long term. Without onsite SEO, your site won’t be easy to navigate or easy to find in search. But if you haven’t done offsite work, Google might question your authority in your industry and you’ll find it more difficult to build trust with potential customers. If you don’t have both types of SEO services, you’ll likely find it more difficult to obtain leads, traffic, and sales due to your incomplete strategy.

Now that you understand how offsite and onsite SEO work together, you’ll need help developing a strategy that can get your website seen. For more information on our services, please contact us today.

The Importance of Marketing

The world around us is completely changing. No longer do customers and business owners turn to yellow pages and newspapers to advertise their businesses or search for a location. Instead, everything is online and on social media. Social media marketing is crucial for your business plan, and if you aren’t active online, you may be missing out on a ton of profit. After all, Google receives over 100 billion searches each month. Your business should be one of them.

Social Media Tips

Just starting out online and don’t know where to begin? You are going to want to create a Facebook page and a LinkedIn account right away. It has been reported by the Pew Research Center, 72% of adult internet users use Facebook. That is a lot of potential customers! It is also a fact that 94% of B2B marketers use the social media platform LinkedIn as part of their content strategy. Don’t you want your business in on that action? It should also be said that if you do not have a great website design, you are going to want to hire a website design company as soon as possible. Your website is one of the first things your customers will see and judge you on. It needs to look amazing.


SEO can get a little confusing for anyone that isn’t familiar with the craft. Hiring an SEO company can really help you get started and in on the action as soon as possible. Using SEO helps your business pop up on Google when a simple term is search. If someone searches “Hamburgers in Fort Worth” you are going to want your Hamburger joint to pop up first, correct? It helps your business get discovered, which means more customers.

App Creation

Apps are all the rage right now, and you are going to want in on the action. Any business can have an app that offers discounts, coupons, special information, and so much more. Creating apps can get tricky, which is why you will want app design fort worth help right away. App design fort worth companies can help you create your dream app in seconds. You will want to google app design fort worth right away if you are a business owner.

In closing, social media and having an online presence is a game-changer. You are going to want to get on board with this new trend right away, because it is not going anywhere anytime soon.

What is Your Social Media Marketing Plan?

There is no denying that social media is here to stay and it is having a huge impact on how consumers make buying decisions and find services. To stay relevant your business must have a social media marketing plan in place.

83% of consumers report that they love or like when a company responds to them via social media. 69% of Facebook users report that they made a purchase in 2017 based on something that they saw on Facebook.

Your Success Depends On Having an Actionable Social Media Marketing Plan

Many business owners give in to the temptation to jump right into social media marketing without a plan. That is a critical misstep. A plan aligns with you to take full advantage of the social media marketing benefits that are available. Jumping in blindly can set you up for failure.

A strategic plan to utilize all the social media has to offer is a must if you want your marketing attempts to be successful. The right strategy is important when it comes to reaching your target audience, engaging your audience and staying connected.

What Does a Good Plan Look Like?

There are 5 major social media channels that are currently the most popular among users. The right plan will be customized to connect with your audience members where they are most likely found. Professional social media marketing management starts with a plan that is built:

  • Uniquely for your business
  • Makes reaching your business goals a priority
  • Connects you to your audience effortlessly

Social media marketing Fort Worth business owners know is something that does not happen by accident. It is something that has to be planned to be successful. Making the critical error of a do it yourself approach can be a real setback in reaching your marketing goals.

Forget the One Size Fits All Approach

A customized plan is the way to approach social media marketing. There is no “one right way” to manage your unique business’s marketing needs. Your social media has to be built around your business corporate culture, presented in your voice and focused on reaching the goals that you have set. One size fits all is for t-shirts not for marketing results.

Get a Plan in Place

There is no time like the present to get your marketing off the ground and start connecting with your target audience. Learn more about how a social media marketing plan can help you reach your marketing goals.

Is Pay Per Click Right For Your Campaign?

Pay per click advertising certainly still has its place. The goal is to gain organic traffic to your website, but what do you do in the early days of your digital marketing? You use pay per click.

An experienced digital marketing agency can design your PPC advertising to help you get the results that you are hoping for. Understanding more about how PPC works and the potential benefits will help you to make an informed decision about whether to incorporate this advertising model into your campaign.

What is PPC Advertising?

You can think of pay per click advertising as a way to “buy” traffic to your site, or you can think of it as a partnership. Organic traffic is the goal. Organic traffic is what happens when users find your business through a search engine or through social media and click on the link that leads to your website.

Pay per click does not happen “organically”. It is a specific strategy to get people to your website and you pay for it. You will pay a small sum to whoever owns the website where your PPC ad is located every time someone clicks on the ad and winds up at your website.

Is It Worth the Investment?

One of the first questions people ask when they are discussing potential PPC schemes is whether it is worth the investment, and the short answer is yes. When you are launching or relaunching your website it is crucial that you get the traffic flowing as soon as possible. Pay per click is the way to get the traffic flowing.

Different Schemes for Different Goals

There are different strategies that can make your ad more appealing and encourage consumers to click on the ad. It is not an easy process but with the right support, you can leave the strategy up to the experts.

SEO (search engine optimization) is a key factor in any successful PPC plan. It is estimated that about 93% of online experiences start with a search engine. Search engines recognize keywords and phrases which should be incorporated into your advertising, websites, social media, and more.

One of the easiest ways to get the results that you want from any digital marketing campaign is to turn to the digital marketing company that delivers SEO services Fort Worth small business owners have come to rely on for all their marketing needs.